Jennifer Robertson is a dynamic HR executive driven by innovation and growth. With a rich background spanning over 25 years, including 17 years of nonprofit leadership, Jennifer is renowned for [...]
Program Manager Erica Warren joined OPCS in 2024 and manages the operation of the reentry and homeless work programs. A graduate of Grambling State University, she has a background in criminal [...]
Charles served in the Army and Navy and currently works at the Southern Arizona Veterans Administration Health Care System, where he is also vice president of Local 0495 of the American [...]
Shannon is the director of sales and marketing at Diamond Ventures, Inc. and designated broker for its real estate arm, DVI Realty, LLC. With more than 28 years of commercial real estate [...]
Gary Becker is a retired interventional radiologist and former University of Arizona College of Medicine professor of vascular and interventional radiology. He earned his undergraduate and [...]
Mary Elizabeth Pitts serves as the Director of Finance for Old Pueblo Community Services. Her responsibilities include fiscal oversight, policy compliance, financial reporting, resource planning, [...]