Housing First Forum
OPCS follows the Housing First approach to ending homelessness in
our community. Join us for the second in a series of three online sessions to
discuss the crisis of homelessness and how we can work together to solve it.
“Homeless Outreach & How You Can Help”
Date: Wednesday, February 19
Time: 12:00-1:00 pm
Speakers: OPCS Low Barrier Shelter Director Dee Goeth and client guest TBA
Ending Homelessness
The difference we’ve made so far in 2025!
The Housing First Training Academy
Get Help
Become a Monthly Donor
To a new client at OPCS, who arrives without a job or income, $10 a month (or $120 a year) means one week of housing. Housing is the safe place where he/she can begin to rebuild a life.
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