Erica WarrenProgram Manager

Program Manager Erica Warren joined OPCS in 2024 and manages the operation of the reentry and homeless work programs. A graduate of Grambling State University, she has a background in criminal justice and law and served 10 years in law enforcement. When her parents adopted the four young children of their neighbor, a woman with an opiate addiction, Erica developed an interest in the struggles that led people to become justice involved.

Erica and her family moved to Tucson from Virginia when her husband accepted a job at Raytheon. She decided then to find work that involved helping people with substance use disorder. She knew very little about OPCS, but when she interviewed, she knew this was where she wanted to work. Having moved a lot in her life and having seen how addiction can damage families, Erica appreciates being able to help others find a safe and stable life.

Erica has three young children. She’s a big reader and “not an outdoorsy person,” but her husband is helping her appreciate the outdoor activities Tucson offers.